AnyPortrait > Getting Started > 2.7. Adding the Timeline

2.7. Adding the Timeline


To create a keyframe animation, you must add a timeline to the animation clip.
(1) Click the Add Timeline button to display the types of timeline that you can add.
By default, there is a "Control Parameters" timeline, and the "Animation Modifier" you added from the mesh group appears.
Select the (2) Transform (Animation) modifier you created earlier and add it.

Transform (Animation) Timeline is added.

Add a bone to the timeline.
After changing to (1) Bone tab, (2) Select one bone.
Click the (3) Add Timeline Layer to Edit button in the bone property UI.

Timeline layer for "Bone Pelvis" is added to the timeline.
To create animations, create animated clips, timelines, and timeline layers in order.

(1) Press the Start Edit button ( A ) to turn on the Edit mode.
(2) Press the Add Key button ( F ).
You can see that the keyframe is created where (3) the current time slider is located.

When Edit mode is on and the Keyframe is selected, you can transform the object.
This status is recorded in the keyframe.

If you create another keyframe, the animation will work.
(1) Move the time slider to another frame, and (2) press the Add Key button to create a keyframe.

Move the selected bone in the generated keyframe and record it.
Animation will now run when you play.